Tune Into The Heart for Radical Shifts

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On today’s episode, we are joined by Joanna Walden, a visionary transformation specialist, multidimensional channel, speaker and author of 2 books. The first being - The Inside Hustle: A Mystical Misfit's Travel Adventure Into The Unknown (the story of her personal journey of evolution - think Bridget Jones meets Eat Pray Love on steroids!) and her second book - A Beautiful Radical Truth (a channeled book of wisdom which includes practical exercises). All of her work is anchored in Heart Technology - using the heart as a multidimensional tool within us to reconnect with our true self. She’s all about new paradigm teachings and tunes in to see what's coming up in the moment and what is happening energetically to engage in the appropriate theme for her clients.


  • Can one universally guided event change your life? This is what happened when Joanna felt guided to approach a man sat at the bar she knew she had to talk to. Even though she had a lighter in her pocket, she went over and asked him for a light. He told her he had been waiting for her and proceeded to tell her she had a role in shifting consciousness on this planet and that she has great wisdom to share. All of this information tumbled out of him as she sat there in awe. He knew things about her that no-one else did. She also received energy adjustments on her back and head, which left her feeling so energised and elated for days afterwards.

  • Some time after this event, Joanna found herself going to university and went on to have a normal career in advertising, working out of New York and London but in the background she was always reading up on spiritual topics and going to different classes. Even though she was in this fabulous career and was really good at her job and making good money, Joanna felt like there was something missing, she didn’t feel she was connected to the truth of her heart and felt her work was a little bit soulless. The spiritual pull and the message about her playing a role in shifting consciousness was now coming to the forefront.

  • Joanne also talks about her book The Inside Hustle: A Mystical Misfit's Travel Adventure Into The Unknown. It starts from when she first got to New York which was only a few months before 9/11 happened. She experienced that whole event very differently to most people and felt she was guided to be there at that time, to work with the energies and help. She found out about the lay-lines where you ‘get zapped’ with all this energy and was intrigued and wanted to find out more. She felt she needed to visit certain places and sites to give her a bit of direction to help find out what she was supposed to be doing in her role to help shift the consciousness on this planet. She also travelled to London and at one point almost put a deposit down on a flat but it didn’t feel right, so instead she went to South America to have more experiences to write about in her book. In the meantime, she had been studying Applied Kinesiology in London alongside her advertising career which gave her a great foundation for her coaching business today and all the energy work that she does.

  • Joanna delves a little bit more into working with sacred sites and shares that some of the places she’s visited and felt incredible energy from are not the obvious ones. She explains that for her she experienced gifting energy, picking energy up, activating codes, being activated, whether she was conscious of it or not. She visited many sites across the UK and Europe. Joanna believes we are energetically in connection with wherever we are called to on the planet and there’'s a reason why we are called, so we need to listen to that within! We are relearning how to live more in line with our true divine template, so that we understand the interconnected nature of all things.

  • We talk about the new conscious energies being reawakened on the planet, and how you can tap into them by being connected in your heart and truly present with yourself and the area, and move into being in relationship with it while you’re there. Joanna shares that she’s had lots of different experiences doing this work, for example insights through her 3rd eye, receiving codes that she will draw or a channeled message or information. Sometimes it sync’s up up with something further down the line, it can be like collecting pieces of a puzzle. She tells us that we have to remember - we are the activator of places as much as the places activate us, there’s a symbiotic calling. The consciousness that it contains, the consciousness in the stones or water, what is being held in that space, it is all relevant and part of it.

  • Joanna talks about her true passion which is the heart technology and explains that in 2017 she was working a lot in the dream space, experiencing visitation, taken on crafts, taught time travel, meeting beings and on one occasion these 3 light beings appeared and was talking to her about heart technology. They said it’s only ever been about the heart - it’s all about heart technology and this is the most relevant and effective tool on the planet right now. She was taught how to use it as a multidimensional technology and how to bring it into alignment to use for alchemy, and visions etc. A lot of people don’t know how to be in their heart. Joanna tells us that sacred geometry, sound and light can come through using this approach, or even sanskrit words might come through. Joanna uses the heart in everything she does, and feels it’s the connection to our divine template and uniqueness that we are supposed to embody on the planet right now. There is also the galactic heart which is the next set of teachings and has a more cosmic vibe to it.

  • We all talk about love during this episode, how can we not when discussing the heart! Joanna states that it is the greatest organising principle in the universe and it is how divine intelligence works through all things - including us, nature, animals and the cosmos - all of it. We are all a living breathing part of. However, working with the heart isn’t all fluffy clouds and rainbows - it can be hard and brutal even to be able to anchor into the heart no matter what is going on in your reality. Joanna believes it’s a really courageous thing to be able to do and not react in a certain way or go into the head or narratives etc. It’s not about thinking I’ll love everyone - that’s not it. The heart is incredibly discerning and when we start to tap into it, the heart is clear about where we need to be operating from. It’s the epicenter of our frequency and what we are matching to.

  • So what has been in store for Joanna in 2024? Well she tells us she is being made to walk her talk - on a whole other level, which has meant she has had to drop into an incredible amount of faith and trust. We all share that we feel there is something about this year where it has been ramping up and manifesting things in different ways, but its big stuff! Whether it’s an emotional upheaval or adjusting your view on life, a rebirth and/or death of the ego or actually experiencing genuine loss of loved ones. People are having to commit to do the inner work and are being challenged by everything that is in our unconscious - that is now being made conscious.

  • Individually and as a collective, we are working through density because ultimately we are meant to be embodying a mastery of all of this. Joanna talks about challenging spiritual beliefs that keep us in a loop. For example, you can’t embody your state of mastery if you believe you’re broken and need to be fixed. These are consciousness traps and there are quite a few that takes you on a endless searching journey which is why Joanna wrote her book - she was so frustrated because nothing was happening or changing for her. However, things changed and took off for her once she stepped into her own mastery. We are in this age of transparency where everything is being made to be seen. Frequency doesn’t lie, we have to be authentic and on point and hold that level of light that we came here to do. We are coming for that experience of expansion. Joanna likens it to us coming in with a prefect user model but not the instruction manual to go with it!

  • Joanna touches on her work being based on her direct realisation teachings. She shares that a lot of what is in existence now, was born at another time. We need to be focused on what is trying to rebirth through us. Old ways that used to work in that time period or era, no longer do. If we just wish something was different or if we think we should have made a better choice, then that pulls you away from trust. What matters is stepping into what is NOW and be present for it to shift into a different energetic space. Bring it to a higher or more expanded perspective so that you are not thinking in a limited way or holding back. Joanna reminds us, we are not going to get it right all the time, and that is part of the personal journey of evolution. Full acceptance of what is, no matter what.

To find out more about Joanna and her work, please visit joannawalden.com.


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