Are You Dying to Shine?
Buckso Dhillon-Woolley joins us for this podcast episode creating ripples of impact sharing her personal story of her spiritual awakening she had in 2020. She talks about the ‘remembering’ of who we really are, our connection to source and the power of opening up and surrendering to higher wisdom. Her mission is to reveal the diamond in you.

Finding Your Spiritual Truth
The gorgeous Katy Henry joins us for this episode as she shares her soul whisper to ‘gather the women’ and her extraordinary experiences that led her to this point. She really has seen, been and done it all and we are so delighted to chat to her about her beautiful insights she so delicately shares with us and you the listener.

Bringing Witchy Wisdom to Modern Day Life
We are joined by Emma Griffin - a UK based author who is a witch living in Cornwall. She has dedicated over two decades to her own spiritual growth and wellbeing by living the teachings she shares, drawing upon her ancestral wisdom, her life experiences and the spiritual teachings she has learnt along the way. We got to dive into her world and found she was so down to earth, warm-hearted, compassionate and the real-life Molly Weasley! Tune in to hear about her story and the magic that she experiences and shares with others.

Nature’s Wisdom and the Art of Play
We are joined by Chris Holland - a leading inspiration in the field of nature connection and environmental education for families, schools and businesses. Chris shares with us his love of Nature and talks about the benefits to both children and adults that connecting to Nature can bring. We discuss the importance of play for both adults and children, the power of storytelling and he shares some of the incredible spiritual experiences he’s had connecting with Nature. Not to be missed!

Connecting To The Wombspace
We are joined by the fabulous Andrea Clarke, who talks to us about the deep womb connection and remembrance we can tap into where our innate wisdom and creativity resides. She tells us there is great power in having a two-way conversation with the womb and other body parts, and asking: ‘What are you holding?’ and ‘What do you need?’ A truly delicious conversation with some beautiful insights and a gorgeous meditation that Andrea provides for everyone to experience.

Step Into Your Multidimensional Self
Do you ever think of yourself as a multidimensional being? Probably not your first thought as you go through life but our special guest Manya Welch joins us to talk about just that! The power we have as individuals to create and connect with the unseen or formless energies around us and how we can use this in a beneficial way.

How To Become An Earthkeeper
Have you ever thought about spirits of the land or portals or stargates? We are joined by the fabulous Amy Dempster who helps in understanding the healing power of the Earth. What began as openly sharing her spiritual journey on her popular blog Following Hawks, has become a resource for others wanting to learn how to communicate with nature and share their own unique healing gifts with the Earth. We dig into all of this and more during this podcast episode!

How To Survive Adversity
Have you ever saved a life with your words? Our inspirational guest Jamie Denyer joins us in this episode to talk about the challenges that we face in our society - in particular our young people. He delivers first hand some brilliant advice and shares his story of how he got into Motivational SpeaKing and the lives that he has impacted, changed and saved. A truly inspirational and motivational episode, not to be missed!

The Forgotten Wisdom Of Celtic Folklore
There is so much more to myths, legends and folklore than we ever imagined. Our special guest Kubi May joins us from Glastonbury to talk about Celtic Folklore and her teachings and offerings that enables people to experience this firsthand. She’s a White Witch, Celtic Healer and Creative Therapist who has spent time researching Celtic Folklore and joins us for this episode to discuss and share the wisdom of Celtic Folklore.

Have You Had A Past Life?
Have you had a past-life that is causing you problems in your current life? We discuss this during our podcast episode with the UK’s Number 1 Past-Life Regressionist - Jane Osborne.

Coming Back Home To Self
What does it mean to come home to self? How do we identify with ourselves? Are we just looking at our identities, personalities or something more, something deeper? During this podcast episode we discuss some of the challenges of coming home to self, feeling whole and embodied within the mind-body-spirit. We also talk about ways in which you can experience a deeper connection and give first hand examples of how this can be achieved.

Life After Death - A Journey Into Mediumship
In this episode we are joined by Annette Rodgers, a well known and respected Medium who shares her story about life after death and her own journey into Mediumship, following a tragic event when she lost her daughter Lauren at the age of 16 years.