The Perks and Quirks of Relationships
Well on this day of love - valentines - we discuss our own perks and quirks in relationships, how we’ve overcome certain challenges and navigated changes and what our biggest lessons have been. We delve into relationship dynamics for energy sensitives - or Empaths - and how this can cause problems with setting healthy boundaries for example or taking too much on. We also touch on synchronistic events - meeting people in the right place at the right time and finding your soul tribe!

The Sacred Wisdom of Astrology
Sacred Astrology is a beautifully deep and nourishing look into you, using the sun, moon and planetary alignments as a guide to really understand the universal dynamics that were present at birth that our ancient cultures used and practiced for centuries. When we take our first breath, our natal chart is created. It’s a beautifully deep and unique guide, like a blueprint. It teaches us that the answers are within, knowing your chart is like finding the gold within - a true alchemical experience. Understanding astrology in this way helps you to deepen and nurture your relationships with others, yourself and the collective.

Your Legacy Begins Now
Have you ever thought about your legacy and what you will be remembered for? Do you see it simply as leaving money for loved ones or something more? Is it only something to consider later on in life or can you start your legacy now? A juicy podcast full of discussions and debates about legacy. How do we experience it as individuals and as the collective - and what the generations before us left as their legacy and what we intend to leave for the future generations to come.

The Regeneration of Belonging
The regeneration of belonging is discussed in this podcast episode - with a focus on the ecological Self, our connection to the earth, our land, nature and being mindful about our interactions with it. Our fabulous guest speaker Ben Stopford discusses key topics that include permaculture and deep ecology - helping us to learn more about his work and the work we can do in our local areas.

Your Body Remembers What You Forget
How can the practice of Somatics help you achieve a pain free body? Integrating neuroscience and how the body-brain communicate gives a fuller perspective of how the body ‘banks’ a physical holding pattern of tension which can result in one of the three reflex patterns our guest speaker Liz Underwood shares with us as well as misalignment and pain throughout the body. A gentle starting point is to become more aware of your body - sensing yourself within. This podcast is jam packed full of aha moments, tips and Liz’s expertise to hep you understand the benefits of this practice and how you can start to work in this way at home.

The Myth of New Beginnings
Are you experiencing frustration at the beginning of each year, making unattainable resolutions that leave you feeling like you have failed or that you have to become different? Join us as we discuss our own experiences of stepping into a new year and the myth that tells us it all starts over come January 1st.

Making the Transpersonal Personal
How do we make the Transpersonal - personal? Are we being mindful about our relationship with self and other? What is ‘other’…join us as we discuss this fascinating topic with Mary-Rita who has recently finished her masters in Consciousness, Spirituality and Transpersonal Psychology and is now busy setting up her business Mysterym.

The Energy Behind Words
The energy behind words is a fascinating topic and brings up so much to consider, such as intention, vibration, meanings and symbols and how we use it and receive it in our daily lives.

Is Creativity A Divine Practice?
Are you experiencing creativity as a divine practice and if so how does this show up for you? Join us as we discuss our own experiences of creativity and the divine and how accessible it really is.

Creating Conscious Conversations
In this first ever podcast episode, Sally & Sibby talk about what it means to have and create conscious conversations with others.