Spiritual Awakening and the Ascension Process
The gorgeous Emma Sullivan talks to us about her own spiritual awakening and what she feels others may be experiencing as we embark on the ascension individually and as a collective. She shares some amazing insights, tips and knowledge to help you best navigate through life at this time.

Dancing Your Soul Awake
We are joined by the wonderful Katie Holland, award winning sacred dance therapist and creator of Awakened Belly Dance. She is a renowned professional dancer with a passion for self-empowerment and self-initiation through conscious movement. She shares with us her powerful and quite dramatic spiritual awakening, what a kundalini awakening really is, how she came to create Awakened Belly Dance which saw her leaving her old life to start a new one and many other experiences Katie has had and witnessed. Katie believes that “all movement is divine when the heart is danced awake”. What a glorious concept!

Are You Dying to Shine?
Buckso Dhillon-Woolley joins us for this podcast episode creating ripples of impact sharing her personal story of her spiritual awakening she had in 2020. She talks about the ‘remembering’ of who we really are, our connection to source and the power of opening up and surrendering to higher wisdom. Her mission is to reveal the diamond in you.