Change Your Frequency To Change Your Reality

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Holly Hollins is the creator of the Higher Frequency Rewire Method, Master Energy Healer, Intuitive Transformation Channel and Manifestation Coach.
Her soul purpose is to activate people onto their own highest path of success, happiness, health, wealth, love and abundance.
She joins us for this episode to talk about her own Rewire Coaching modality that uses a fusion of tools such as ThetaHealing, Reiki, Quantum Healing, NLP/timeline techniques, sound healing, mindfulness and transformational meditation and shares her own remarkable healing journey.


  • For Holly it all started with the question - ‘who am I’? After having children Holly had lost herself and the lines became very blurred between her and her children. She absolutely loved being a Mum but that was all she was. She had pre-existing anxiety, and Pure O OCD, which she didn’t understand at the time and was experiencing pure obsessional and ruminating thoughts leaving her feeling trapped in a terrorising place in her mind.

  • She tried CBT after scoring highly on all the anxiety and depression forms but this only seemed to make her worse. She then went for a healing session with someone who said they could help with anxiety and she experienced something she’d never felt before - peace and stillness and freedom. Nothing had changed on the outside, her life was still the same. It was what had changed within. So she went for more healing and treatments and her whole world began to change, opportunities came through for her and that unlocked so many things and finally she started to find herself once again.

  • Her frequency was getting higher and higher as she continued on her healing journey and her husbands was getting lower and lower and so they eventually separated. Then when covid hit, she began training in theta healing, energy healing and other modalities including energy psychology and sound healing. Holly explains she felt she quantum leaped and quantum shifted so many times during her training. Her self-belief started to sky rocket and she started her life all over again.

  • For Holly it was from doing the Theta healing work that really began to shift all of the fear out of her. She was working more and more with energy and fully placed her trust into the healing process to bring herself back in alignment. Holly explains that Theta healing can feel quite mind-blowing, its like otherworldly and is difficult to put into words but it’s a blend of science, logic and spirituality. She shares that with reiki, you will feel better but ultimately you can go and hurt yourself again and again and need to come back for another session.

  • Ultimately Theta healing can stop that pattern and gets to the root cause. It’s a form of energy healing, similar to hypnotism, that puts the client into a theta brainwave state and then allows the subconscious mind to be spoken to which is where you can explore your belief systems. Your conscious belief system is only 10 percent and the rest is unconscious. Influences that shape our beliefs that are not conscious can come from our genetics, DNA, past lives and many other ways. They can act like invisible shackles, which means if you don’t dive in deep, you may not get the results you need to move forwards.

  • So with Theta healing you get to explore your core beliefs, history level beliefs, soul level beliefs and genetic level beliefs. There are 4 levels with the belief system. Core beliefs are the ones that are more conscious/subconscious - that you formed in childhood. Genetic - family line beliefs, they go back 6/7 generations. History level beliefs are beliefs from beyond our family line that go into our ancestral and past lives. Soul level beliefs are the deepest level.

  • Holly explains we all have untamed gifts - which may present as some kind of condition and you may feel like things are working against you, BUT, when you get a grasp on them and pull out root causes of where the fear is, then you don’t get left with a condition that is debilitating, you get left with a superpower.

  • We also chat about creating the events and the ceremonies that Holly conducts and how that impacts people in a different way. A unique thing that Holly has orchestrated is that she holds these ceremonies in Church of England churches. When she holds an event, she explains it’s like putting on a different hat and she becomes a sound therapist and meditation coach for the church ceremonies. She helps people that attend to experience inner peace - it’s about making inner peace accessible to all.

  • We also talk about surrendering into the bigger picture and giving the control over, which can be really frightening. When you are so anchored into your new conscious belief - that you have something bigger than you that is supporting you - that allows you to flow towards the resources you need to be that biggest contribution on Earth. When you have that, you know you can’t fall or fail because you’re completely held by Source.

If you would like to connect with Holly, visit her Link tree - Holly has recently created a mastermind group of female entrepreneurs - REWIRED & WELLTHY MAGNETIC MASTERMINDS!


May The Voice Be With You!


My Journey Inward: The Path To Self-Love