Activating Your Soul Mission

During this podcast episode we are joined by the fabulous Natalia Komis. A modern day oracle serving as a spiritual business mentor and soul channel for conscious leaders since 2012. She shares some of her incredible experiences and knowledge to help you activate your soul mission. Here are some of the key discussion points:


From a young age Natalia was guided by spirit to visit certain places around the world to connect energetically to support the area, land and people and had to trust her intuition - sometimes in life or death situations. This has been part of her own self-discovery process that has shaped how she works with others and how she shows up today as her fully expressed self.

  • Natalia started channeling creative light codes whilst studying arts and mental health that also led her towards accepting her truest feminine form. After spending some time working on her mental and emotional health, she went on her own physical healing journey (following a period of ill-health) that led her to train in mind-body-reconnect therapy that she still uses with her clients today. Then in 2019 she studied Elemental Healing when she moved to Spain and chose to go public about the healing work she does.

  • Natalia has always been passionate about supporting others to step into their soul mission and believes everyone has a soul mission. Some of us have more than one and some of us have a double mission - a personal and collective mission (as Rebecca Campbell describes).

  • When she works with clients Natalia looks at astrology and numerology influences and soul contracts to see ‘where’ they are on their journey. We choose our soul mission before we are born and have a part in creating that but we have free will and free choice in how that might play out.

  • Natalia points out that sometimes our conditioning around business and making money can affect us from connecting to our soul mission and the steps necessary to take that leap of faith. In addition, the practicalities between knowing what it is and actually doing something about it can also be challenging.

  • Essentially it boils down to 3 things. 1) who am I, 2) what do I believe in and 3) how can I be my fully self-expressed - in order to connect to the divine. You feel this when you are able to fully stand in your power. Natalia also helps clients create a soul mission statement - that you read every month - and continue to ask the question - does this still resonate or feel relevant?

  • In order to honour your soul mission and personal healing journey you have to take the action - if you don’t do the action part you get stuck in the overthinking or overwhelm or in the hiding. The divine feminine requires you to create the space to receive and surrender. You need both. You need the creative energy - water (feminine) and fire (masculine) - which are the energies of transformation.

  • You can get a free energetic planner that’s available on Natalia’s website with a diagnostic tool where you can figure out how much feminine/masculine you have at the moment.

  • To find out more about the incredible work that Natalia does - please visit:


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